Adult Learning Wales have scheduled a series or workplace learning opportunities.

These are tutor led on-line courses, there are fees for students, but the POA Learning Wales Union Learning Fund project can cover those fees, whilst we have the funds to do so, and provided you seek agreement and complete an enrolment form.

If you are interested in attending a course or session(s) please contact [email protected] if you would like to receive financial support.

British Sign language, Signature 101, Level 1

This course covers essential skills for effective communication in British Sign Language (BSL). Participants will learn to engage in basic conversations, including addressing, greeting, and bidding farewell to other BSL users, as well as mastering fingerspelling for names and places. The candidate will develop strategies for seeking clarification and using simple question forms, as well as recognising local numbers for various purposes like time, money, and dates. Additionally, participants will gain proficiency in sharing personal information and learn vocabulary related to weather conditions, transportation modes, and giving/receiving directions both indoors and outdoors. By the end of the course, participants will be able to engage in basic conversations, ask for and provide information, and navigate common communication scenarios using British Sign Language.

The course includes 22 guided contact hours plus 10 hours of self-directed learning

Course fees: £120.00

Interview Techniques online

Course Overview 

This is a tutor led online session for those interested in job seeking. By the end of this course, participants will be equipped with the confidence, techniques, and strategies needed to perform well in interviews and land their desired roles.

Course Content 

 Contact: [email protected] Course fees: £25.00)

Autism Awareness

online tutor led session. Non-Accredited Course Code: Y23W0034A


This Autism Awareness course will help you to have a better understanding of autism including what autism is and how to spot signs and symptoms. Also what support systems are in place.
There may be course fees attached to this course – please contact us for details.
If your workplace is covered by a Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF) project you may be eligible for help with course fees.


This course will look at:
• Features of the autistic spectrum
• Difficulties that someone may experience who has autism.
• Strengths that someone with autism may have
• Behaviours that may be displayed by a person who has autism
• Strategies to support someone who has autism

online tutor led session. Non-Accredited

Course Content

To develop a structure for holding effective conversations

To deal with emotional reactions during these conversations

To give constructive feedback without causing offence

To manage self in a calm, professional manner

Course Overview

This course is designed to provide you with the necessary skills and strategies to navigate challenging dialogues with confidence and effectiveness. The course focusses on four key components essential for mastering difficult conversations. Firstly, we will delve into developing a solid structure for holding effective conversations, ensuring clarity, and facilitating productive communication. Next, we will explore techniques for managing emotional reactions that may arise during these conversations, equipping you with tools to address conflicts with empathy and understanding. Furthermore, we will provide comprehensive guidance on delivering constructive feedback in a manner that fosters growth and development while minimising the risk of causing offense. Lastly, we will emphasise the importance of self-management, teaching you how to maintain a calm and professional demeanour even in the most challenging situations. By the end of this course, you will emerge equipped with the skills and confidence needed to navigate difficult conversations with poise and success, ultimately strengthening your interpersonal relationships and enhancing your overall communication effectiveness.

(Course fees: £40.00)

online tutor led session. Non-Accredited

Course Content

Identify styles of leadership and own leadership style

Identify potential problems that may arise within teams

How to deal  with challenging conversations

Effective team management tips

Course Overview

Welcome to our Introduction to Managing a Team course! This program is designed to equip you with essential skills and knowledge to effectively lead and manage teams in various settings. Throughout this course, we will cover four main areas crucial for successful team management. Firstly, we will explore different styles of leadership and help you identify your own leadership style, allowing you to understand your strengths and areas for growth as a leader. Next, we will discuss potential problems that may arise within teams, such as conflicts, communication breakdowns, and lack of motivation, and provide strategies for addressing these challenges proactively. Furthermore, we will delve into the art of handling challenging conversations within a team context, offering practical tips and techniques for navigating difficult discussions with confidence and professionalism. Lastly, we will share effective team management tips, including fostering a positive team culture, setting clear goals and expectations, delegating tasks effectively, and providing constructive feedback. By the end of this course, you will emerge with a comprehensive understanding of team dynamics and the skills necessary to lead and manage teams successfully, driving productivity, collaboration, and overall team performance.

(Course fees: £40.00)

online tutor led session. Non-Accredited

Course Content

Identify the benefits of producing better job adverts

Identify what potential employees really want to know

Write more compelling and attractive job adverts

Course Overview

In today’s competitive job market, the ability to craft compelling job advertisements is essential for attracting top talent to your organisation. Throughout this course, we will explore the benefits of producing better job adverts, including increased applicant quality, higher retention rates, and enhanced employer brand reputation. We will delve into understanding what potential employees truly want to know about a job opportunity, from company culture and growth opportunities to compensation and benefits. Armed with this insight, we will then focus on practical strategies and techniques for writing more compelling and attractive job adverts that resonate with your target audience. By the end of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge needed to create job advertisements that stand out, capture the attention of top talent, and ultimately drive recruitment success for your organization.

(Course fees: £40.00)